Snippets Go to default configuration
Blink uses the vim.snippet
API by default for expanding and navigating snippets. The built-in snippets
source will load friendly-snippets, if available, and load any snippets found at ~/.config/nvim/snippets/
. For use with Luasnip, see the Luasnip section.
Custom snippets
By default, the snippets
source will check ~/.config/nvim/snippets
for your custom snippets, but you may add additional folders via sources.providers.snippets.opts.search_paths
. Currently, only VSCode style snippets are supported, but you may look into Luasnip if you'd like more advanced functionality.
Chris Grieser has made a great introduction to writing custom snippets in the nvim-scissors repo. Here's an example, using the linux/mac path for the neovim configuration:
// ~/.config/nvim/snippets/package.json
"name": "personal-snippets",
"contributes": {
"snippets": [
{ "language": "lua", "path": "./lua.json" }
// ~/.config/nvim/snippets/lua.json
"foo": {
"prefix": "foo",
"body": [
"local ${1:foo} = ${2:bar}",
"return ${3:baz}"
version = '*',
-- !Important! Make sure you're using the latest release of LuaSnip
-- `main` does not work at the moment
dependencies = { 'L3MON4D3/LuaSnip', version = 'v2.*' },
opts = {
snippets = { preset = 'luasnip' },
-- ensure you have the `snippets` source (enabled by default)
sources = {
default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
dependencies = 'echasnovski/mini.snippets',
opts = {
snippets = { preset = 'mini_snippets' },
-- ensure you have the `snippets` source (enabled by default)
sources = {
default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'snippets', 'buffer' },
Disable all snippets
sources.transform_items = function(_, items)
return vim.tbl_filter(function(item)
return item.kind ~= require('blink.cmp.types').CompletionItemKind.Snippet
end, items)
When setting up your capabilities with lspconfig
, add the following:
capabilities = require('blink.cmp').get_lsp_capabilities({
textDocument = { completion = { completionItem = { snippetSupport = false } } },
Some LSPs may ignore the snippetSupport
field, in which case, you need to set LSP specific options while setting them up. Some examples:
-- If you're using `opts = { ['rust-analyzer'] = { } }` in your lspconfig configuration, simply put these options in there instead
-- For `rust-analyzer`
completion = {
capable = {
snippets = 'add_parenthesis'
-- For `lua_ls`
settings = {
Lua = {
completion = {
callSnippet = 'Disable',
keywordSnippet = 'Disable',
Please open a PR if you know of any other LSPs that require special configuration!